Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Note~ If you do not know what starkidpotter, A Very Potter Musical, A Very Potter Sequel, Me and my Dick, or Starship is, then you will not understand this post. PLEASE leave this page right now and go to www.youtube.com/starkidpotter right now.


Ok so I know I'm a bit late on this one but it still works because SOME OF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN IT YET!! I am utterly disapointed in you so-called starkid fans! Starship is amazing. I'll give you reasons why:

Starship Rangers are amazing and you should join us by becoming one, because we're here to get the job done!


Joe Walker (Commander Up) has a fake mustache!

It'll make you love bugs!

New awesome songs to weird out your friends by singing them in public like, "Get back up", "Kick it up a notch" and "I wanna be (a Starship Ranger)"

New actors have joined starkid productions!

Lauren Lopez has a new fake accent and she actually plays a girl in this one!

Silly names like "Taz" "Tootsie Noodles" "Crayonder" and "Bug"

There are more reasons, but I'm too lazy to write them all...

In other news, Pigfarts will be having summer classes on a special subject this year! We'll be traveling to Earth's moon to learn to play Moon Golf! :D And we may even have some of our dear friends from Hogwarts to share these classes with. Remember to be nice to the Earthlings as it is their planet's moon we're visiting. Any quarrel you may have with the other students must be resolved civily by talking it out or with a duel to the death supervised by both Rumbleroar and Dumbledore.


Thursday, April 14, 2011

Mall cops suck.

Cho Chang and I decided to go to the mall together. We did a little shopping and then had the idea to go sit in the elevator. Just to be silly. We weren't bothering anybody, although we did say hello and politely converse with a few people who got on. We simply sat on the floor together and talked. After a bit a few guys came in and joined us, making it more fun, because we now had people to talk to. But soon the mall cops came. We were at first confused. They told us to get up and go home. They also said that if we didn't leave after they warned us, they'd arrest us for trespassing after warning. We left, but it made us think. We weren't doing anything wrong by sitting in the elevator. We weren't bothering people, and there wasn't a sign that said "No Loitering", and yet, they threw us out. Probably someone complained. But what would they have to complain about? Us being weird by sitting on the floor in a public place? Well what about homeless people who sit on subways and buses? Do cops throw them out too? It just didn't make sense to us. Cho then suggested that maybe someone had complained because we're gay. This is possible, because, not that we were kissing, but we're two rainbow-clad girls who're sitting close and holding hands while sitting on an elevator. It was weird, and it wasn't like we were trying to hide the fact that we're lesbian.

Anyway, I guess what I'm getting at here is that I owe the mall cops a thickly sarcastic apology. I am sorry if Cho Chang and I disturbed your wonderful peaceful view of the world by doing something so strange as to sit on the floor of an elevator in a public place. You scared the crap out of two defenseless teenage girls with the threat of jail and you should feel proud of yourselves.

But I must wonder, if we had been so witty as to say that we were acting on our right to peaceful protest, saying that we were protesting the use of stairs and escalators because they're dangerous and not useful to the handicapped . . . what would have happened? And if they'd have tried to throw us out then, we would have had reason to sue them. Of course, we would have won that case, and then WE, not the mall cops, would be the ones to be proud of ourselves. But alas, that isn't what happened. Instead, we called my mom, and got a ride home early, and the mall cops probably went home feeling good about themselves because they evaded the usual boring day of work by punishing some strange teenage girls for doing something that isn't really against the rules, but rather, it was just too weird for it to be going on in their mall. (Which isn't really THEIR mall, they just work there)

Have any strange stories about weird things you've done with friends in public places to "disturb the peace"? Send them to me at crazybrownie72@hotmail.com and I might post it on here or in a YouTube video. As always, thanks for reading.


Monday, March 28, 2011

Hey There Humans!!!

Hi. I know I haven't made a post in a while. That's because a lot has been going on in my life, and because I'm a lazy procrastinator with bigger priorities than writing a blog post that my friends won't even read. Ok, time for a 13 list in no particular order.

1. I got a girlfriend! To keep her privacy, I'll refer to her as "Cho Chang" because she's supermegafoxyawesomehot just like Cho was in A Very Potter Musical. Cho is the most amazing girl in the world to me and I really hope she reads this. She's so awesome. She's silly and funny and really sweet.

2. I am now aquainted with Kimya Dawson's music and I love it! It's so random and fun! Also, her love songs remind me of Cho Chang. <3

3. I started reading Edgar Allan Poe and Stephen King! :D It's so creepy and chilling! I love it!

4. I realized how much I love Ice Skating, and I really want to take Cho skating sometime.


6. DrPepper is now being made with real sugar!!! HORRAH!!!! xD

7. Magic 8 balls can solve almost any problem. Unless they stubornly only give you the answers "Cannot fortell now" and "Answer unlclear, ask again later".

8. I went to St Augustine and did a ghost tour, and it was so awesome!!

9. I feel like I could do anything. I'm on top of the world! xD

10. Yoyos are great, but they get lonely. If you have a yoyo and you haven't used it in a while, please play with it. It misses you.

11. I'm learing to play bass! But Theo keeps forgetting that he needs to teach me...

12. I have too many stories to write...

13. I love you all for reading! I'll try to make this a higher priority.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

... Sorry the wait was probably not worth it.

Ok, I am very sorry to any people who might actually read this. I haven't posted in over a week, and I am very sorry about this. I want to say that I have been busy, but that would be a lie. I'm just a procrastinator. Finally Liam bugged me enough so that I'd post something new. Ok, 13 things that have happened since the last post:

1. Packers won the superbowl!!! Woot!!! As a cheesehead, I felt the need to express my extreme joy on this subject. I am a Packer fan 100%, so this was huge for me. The Green Bay Packers have not won a superbowl since I was 1 year old. This was big.

2. I read the second and third books in the Emily the Strange novel series. This was awesome and prompted me to start journaling.

3. I became a mall person. This gives me great pain to say. I used to hate the mall, and yet, look where I am now. No, actually don't look where I am, I'm not at the mall, I'm at home, in my pajamas, sitting at my desk chair with my feet on my bed. But I am a mall person, so it doesn't matter where I am. The reasons for me being a mall person, are that I've been to the mall, every friday for the past three weeks. Finally I'm breaking the cycle, and am NOT going to the mall tomorrow.

4. On Valentine's Day, I got a giant Hershey's bar! I'm eating it now.

5. Tonight I went to a concert at Clamatis at Cityplace. The music wasn't very good, but my friends and I are crazy enough that we had fun anyway.

6. On Saturday we're having the first meeting for A Very Potter Musical!!! I'm extremely excited about this.

7. Tomorrow, my friend Theo is going to teach me how to play drums. I'm not sure about this because his brother is actually really good at drums, so it's kind of intimidating.

8. ... Sorry I got distracted because I found my old Nintendo DS and have been playing Texas Holden Poker on there for the past hour...

ADD strikes again... Anyway, I've had a lot going on... I've also resurected a few stories from a while ago, but no one on deviantArt seems to care... no one's read them... :( I mean, I know they coulld use some work, but it's not like they're horrible... I guess the yaoi just gets more attention than my other stuff.

How about I tell you tonight's story?

Ok so we were at this concert in cityplace right, and there was this guy who we're all sure was drunk or high or something cuz he was acting very strange. At one point all my friends had convinced theirselves that they'd seen him making out with himself. Later on, he left for a while. It must be noted that I was very distractable -and still am- so I kept looking around at the buildings and lights and stuff around us. At one point, we were all sitting around, eating pizza and talking, and I looked around and I saw in this very expensive looking apartment complex, some lights on in a window. And inside I could see there was a man who looked very similar to the drunk man we'd seen earlier. He was putting on a blue flannel shirt over his white shirt that he'd been wearing earlier. I pointed him out to my friends, but before they looked, he was gone. Then about ten minutes later, we saw him again on the dance floor, dancing crazily again in a blue flannel shirt. I pointed him out to my friend Theo, and said that I'd seen him putting on that shirt in his apparment, so it must be the same guy. Theo responded saying he must be a very rich drunk. i suggested that maybe he wasn't drunk, but rather high, because you'd kind of have to be rich in order to pay for drugs. This was all very funny to us.

Later on, we were all dancing to the not-so-good music, and the drunk man approached us trying to get us to dance crazy like him. He was wolf-whistling at us, and making us uncomfortable. We all politely tried to hint to him that we didn't want to dance with him, but he didn't sense our discomfort. He went on dancing crazily, and eventually approached us again, this time persistantly trying to strike up a conversation. It must here be noted that most of the teens in our group were girls, and we were all quite creeped out. It escalated to the point where he was telling our reluctant-to-listen group about how he owns a comedy club. He said he'd give us a free taste of his comedy and we curiously agreed to hear his joke.

"What's the difference between an anal thermometer and an oral thermometer?" He slurred. He was still swaying slightly either from drunkeness, trying to keep dancing to the song, or a strange combination of both. He gave a pause for us to think about it, and then gave the punch line. "The taste." We all laughed, and he walked away. But after only a second he came back. This time he was with another drunk looking man. "I'm Dan, and this is my brother." He slurred out. He did say his brother's name, but due to the music, and his drunken voice, I didn't understand what he'd said it was. Shortly after this, a few of my friends' parents came over. The drunk man said something about parents and being 'no fun' and walked away immediatly. This was the final clue to us that he was most definitly a creeper, and so after a bit more now awkward dancing, we went back to where we'd been sitting before. The drunk man, "Dan" went back to the dance floor right after we left, and went back to his crazy dancing. "At least he's happy." I keep telling myself. But if creeping on a group of teens is what makes him happy, I'm not entirely sure his happiness is a good thing for the general public. But even so, we had a great night.

That's all I've got. I'll try not to procrastinate so much in the future.


Friday, February 4, 2011

This post is brought ot you by sugar, craziness, and spiders.

Ok just as a warning, as of right now, I'm on the decline of a huge sugar high. I'm home alone and I've had this blaring for the past half an hour. I've been jumping up and down, while spinning, and 'dancing' for a while, followed by running laps around the inside of my house. I'm on the downside, and the dizziness is now setting in. I'm sipping a ginger ale, and have turned down the volume a bit. And I'm no longer dancing. But I'm still a bit crazy so watch out. If I type something weird and random, and it happens to offend you in anyway, let me appologize ahead of time for that.

Ok so now you finally understand the name of the blog... Anyway, I'm not on drugs. I swear. Unless someone spiked my apple juice when I wasn't looking...

I'm using that thermos/sippy cup thing again... I like marshmallows. I wish I had-- wait... I think we might have mashmallows... Yes I do have mashmallows, but decided against eating them because I feel sick already and don't want to worsen it. Ok right, we were going to tell you about the spider!

Ok so last night before I went to bed, in my bathroom, I saw a small spider. I stared at it for a while, thinking of how I could kill it. But one problem stopped me from doing any of these things: The spidr was on the ceiling. So I gave up rather quickly. Then this morning, I was in the shower. And out of the corner of my eye, I saw something move. I looked, and sure enough, it was the spider, crawling up my shoulder. I suddenly went from taking a rather normal shower, to being a thrashing blur of limbs as I frantically smacked myself everywhere, hoping to hit the spider. After my little panic attack, the spider was on the floor of the tub. I stared at it for a bit. It was about the size of a nickel, that's including the legs. After a bit, I found that it was still alive, so I attacked it with my razor. Meaning I smacked and hacked at it until it was bloody and curled up in a little ball of it's evil spider self. Then, just for good measure, I washed it down the drain. Then for the rest of the time I was showering, it was like my own personal horror movie. I'm not technically afraid of spiders, I just hate them. So so so much. But for the rest of the shower, I was looking around, waiting for more of them to drop in with thier ninja spider skills. Lucky for me, I made it out alive. But I'm now paranoid that there are more spiders lurking in my bathroom.

I'm getting bored with the spiders. You know what I hate? Maniquins. I am litterally terrified of them. They're going to come alive and kill us all. I swear it they will. I especially hate the ones with faces and hands. Now my sugar crash is coming to an end so I think I'll just stop.

Toodles! ~Rain

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Addictions... it's not what you think.

Ok so most people, when they think of addictions they think of drugs and  alcohol. But that's not what I think of. See, recently I've developed a few minor addictions:

Tic Tacs
Reading/writing yaoi
Celtic music
Scented hand sanitizers
and one that I'm slowly waning off of, Sunflower seeds

So these addictions may seem harmless, but what about finding a resource that I can get these things from? tic tacs are cheap, but I run out of them rather quickly, and my mother is getting a bit annoyed with having to buy them for me. Reading and writing yaoi is one of the more easy ones to maintain, I simply use deviantArt for reading, and Microsoft Word for writing. Celtic music might seem easy, I use pandora online radio, and my ipod. But I fear that soon I'll get tired of hearing the same songs over and over, what will I do then? Scented hand sanitizers I'm ok with for now. I got five little bottles of them for christmas (that's actually what started the addiction) and it's been over a month now and I'm not even close to finishing the first bottle. Sunflower seeds are a big one. I used to eat probably about one cup per day. That's a lot of seeds. I've slowly been cutting back, and now I'm to the point where I can go a whole day without even thinking about them, but theres always that craving... And they're just sitting there on my desk, it would be too easy to just take a mouthful and be spitting shells for the next hour.

The worst part is that I actually enjoy having these minor addictions, and I don't really want to get rid of them.

Ok new subject becauze I got distracted!

I will be going to the renaissance festival soon! Usually I make up some sort of character for myself and be that person for the day, and this time, I'm doing it a bit differently. This time, I'm going to be Liam! I'm quite excited about this because it's a chance for my friends to see what he's like. It'll be played out as if I have multiple personalities. One is me, strange, funny, kind, goofy, other adjectives. And the other will be Liam, pissy, weird, swears a lot (I'll have to filter that a bit), crazy, often sarcastically rude, Irish, awesome, grumpy, silly, more adjectives. So this is going to be a lot of fun! I can't wait!

On another note, THE SUPER BOWL IS IN 4 DAYS!!! I am SO excited because I'm a cheesehead! GO PACK GO!! I know we'll win because I've been manifesting it since the start of the football season. We will win the Super Bowl!!! For once, I'm going to sit through the entire game. I'll actually watch the whole thing. I've never done that before... I always get distracted, or bored, or WHOA WHAT WAS THAT!!! ... ok never mind... it was just my phone making a strange noise. Whelp, I've got to go and get back to school because that's what I should have been doing for the past half an hour.


Sunday, January 30, 2011

Awkward Turtles

Ok so here's the scoop.

I went to the mall today with a few of my gilfriends (that's girl-friends mind you. I'm still single.) and we went to a lot of clothing stores -they were looking for prom dresses, to which I said eww no thanks- but we also went to a few cool stores. After me waiting and begging for a while that we should go to Spencers, they finally agreed. For those who don't know, Spencers is the coolest store for punk jewlrey, random cool shirts that I know of. But it also had a lot of... ok let me just say it flat: Sex toys. I'm not kidding. There were dildo shaped everythings, blow up dolls, weird costume lingerie, EVERYTHING. And one of my friends gets really awkward whenever she's around that kind of thing, or people are talking about it, or pretty much anything sex related. And she has this phrase that she says every time that happens: Awkward Turtle. Now I have no idea why it's a turtle, what makes a turtle awkward, or even why she says it, but she does. I think it's kind of funny, and I thought for a bit about this as I went home from the mall later.

What does an awkward turtle look like? What makes him awkward? Does he have some sort of deformation that makes him awkward? Maybe he speaks a weird language that no one else knows, so whenever he wants to talk no one understands him and that makes him awkward. So I decided to draw an awkward turtle.

Here he is:

He's awkward for many reasons, here's a few:

His limbs aren't the same size.
One of his legs is a deformed human hand.
He has no tail.
He has to walk upright, and uses a cane.
He has bad vision, but only in one eye so he wears a monacle.
He has a beard.
He can't speak any language known to man, so no one understands him.
His name is Melvin, which in itself is weird. (No offense to anyone named Melvin. I actually like that name, but let me tell you, if you met a turtle named Melvin, it would be pretty awkward.)

Okies, so that's really it for today! Toodles!


Thursday, January 27, 2011

Quidditch, Sippy Cups, and Dreams

1. QUIDDITCH!!! At our homeschool group meeting this week, we'll be pllaying Quidditch! I can't wait. It's going to be more fun than crashing the Bloody Baron's Death Day party!

Ground Quidditch is just like magical quidditch, except that you don't use a broom, and the beaters just tag or tackle people instead of using bludgers. Oh, and the Snitch is a person in a yellow shirt.

I'm really excited because the losers will be deemed butt trumpets for the day, and the winners will probably get cookies or something.

2. I wish I had a sippy cup. I've been using this really old thermos instead though because it has a little sippy thing at the top, so it's the closest thing I have. I already have baby spoons that I use quite frequently, but now I want a baby bottle and a sippy cup.

3. Ok so I had this dream last night, and you know how sometimes your dream just changes and suddenly your at a new place? Well that happened and I was suddenly at the parking lot of Lambeau Feild with all my friends from the homeschool group. There was a huge group of people who had painted their skin and clothes bronze, and they were dancing and singing in a way that made me think of some sort of old romance movie, like Grease or something. And I don't even know the movie Grease so don't say anything about that. The first thing I thought of when I saw all these people dancing like this, was Granger Danger from AVPM. So my friends and I started singing it. And out of the corner of my eye I saw this guy with long brown hair, skinny jeans, and a pink shirt, and he was dancing and singing Granger Danger with us. So I stopped singing and so did he. We looked at each other for a second an then I just went up to him and asked him if I could hug him. He looked like he'd had that happen to him many times before and he answered really casually "Yeah." So I did. And then I woke up. I want to meet that guy in real life. And I will hug him. And I will ask him if he'll be in our Very Potter Musical (My friends and I are remaking it.) So anyway... That's what I've got for today.


Wednesday, January 26, 2011

When I grow up...

I want to be a Human Pet.

I've done some research and found that I'm not the only one out there with  this wish. A Human Pet has a strange relationship with their 'Master'. Sometimes the two will be married, or lovers, but not always. Often they are just friends, or roomates who share a common fasination. Some people might see this relationship and think of slavery, but it is really nothing like it. Pets will get a good home, food, health coverage, and someone who'll take care of them. Masters get a friend who'll be there for them when they come home at night, and often the Pet will even do the cooking and cleaning for them. But it's also a bit of a childish relationship to wish for, being that the Master will also take their Pet out on a leash when they go places, take care of the Pet in a similar way to a child, or sometimes a more degrading way like a dog. The Pet is never mistreated, but sometimes if the Master is feeling particularly dominant, they'll make the Pet use a literbox instead of a toilet, and eat out of a bowl like an animal.

I'd like to be a Human Pet for many reasons, not only do I think I'd enjoy it, but I'd also like to become more submissive. Having a Master whom I must obey, would help me do that.

I also however believe I could be a Master, on the other end of the equation. I'd rather be a Pet of course, but if I ever found someone willing to be my Pet, I would not turn them down. I'm writing a story about a Human Pet and his Master even. I'd rather not post it here, but here's a link to where you can read it if you like. My Master Loves Me As a warning, it is yaoi, which, if you don't know, means "boys' love" in Japanese. It pretty much means it's gay, and not in the sense of how teenage guys say "that's so gay". If you're brave enough to read it, you might also want to check out some of my other stories, which you'll find if you click the button that says "All" at the linked site.

As always, thanks for reading!
~Rain Finnegan.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

We can agree sometimes!

Ok so a few days ago I posted a picture on deviantArt similar to the one that I'm using for my profile picture here. I've only gotten one comment on the picture so far, and it was made by a Christian who was trying to 'save me from sin'. I am bisexual, and am not Christian, so I automatically replied to the comment with this:

Sorry, but I'm not christian. I don't believe in 'god', so jesus is simply the son of a lady who wouldn't admit that she'd had sex. This is what I believe. I also believe that being bisexual is just something I am, it's just as much a part of me as the color of my hair, and I don't care if you think that it's wrong, in fact that's why I'm proud, because I know I'm not like you, and in my eyes, that's a good thing. Don't you have something better to do than riddicule people who're different from you? I accept you for who you are, a straight christian who dislikes people who aren't that as well, but yet you can't accept that I'm different from you. That's a shame. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go back to my life, so why don't you go back to yours as well?
So he argued that he didn't dislike me, and if he did he wouldn't have tried to save me.

I politely replied to say I didn't want to be saved, and he said that that's my choice, he'd done all he could, and that was what 'god' asked him to do. Inwardly at that, I laughed. I thought about it for a while, and thought about how the original Christians said that God had spoken to them and told them to spread the word of Christ and all that, and I thought, maybe they were just schizophrenic... It would make sense if they were, because it's a voice they hear, telling them to do things.

I've since wondered if maybe I am schizophrenic. I hear Liam in my head and I've wondered if maybe he's not really my conscience. He's never told me to do anything, good or bad, so I just considered him to be the voice in my head that most would think of as their consciece, but I really have no way of knowing whether or not that's true. For all I know, he could be a different kind of voice. SOmetimes he insults me, he calls me an idiot, a bad person, and he ofte swears like a sailor. This was my first clue to the possibility that he isn't really my conscience. I've asked him about it (yes, silly to talk to your own conscience, isn't it?) but he had nothing to say on the subject. For now, I live in a mystery, but I hope to figure it out soon.

Monday, January 24, 2011


Hey there! I'm Rain Finnegan, and I'm a Human Pet. Or at least I want to be. But let's get into that later. Laim (my conscience. Yes, I named my conscience) and I have decided to make a blog. We doubt anyone will read it, but we don't really care. Even if no one does read it, we'll pretend people do, just because it's more fun that way. We were inspired to write a blog by another blog Hyperbole and a Half. We think we should stop referring to ourselves as 'we' because then if people do read this, it may get confusing because we're one person.

How's this? I'll just talk as if I'm the only one here. Sorry if my blog is boring so far, I've just never done this before. How about I tell you a story? I can make the blog about stories if you like. I'm a fiction writer, so that might be a good idea.


Timmy was only seven years old whe he decided he wanted to be an astronaut. He built a space ship for himself and he was very excited to go to space. He dragged a large cardboard box out of his garage and used a paint set and saftey siscors to craft his ship.

Word that Timmy had built a spaceship spread around the town, and soon Timmy had all the kids lined up in his driveway, asking if he can take them into space. He said he could, and he did, one by one, the kids went in with him and he showed them all the buttons and controls inside it that he used to drive it. e even made sound effects and with a little imagination, all the kids believed that they were actually going into space. Every day, with all the other

Ok you know what, this is getting stupid. This blog isn't for kids! So why would I write a kids' story! Truth is, I have not idea, I just got bored. Ok so now my Attention Defficite Dissorder has decided that I'm going to write something else...


Ok so now I'm in the mood for some Very Potter Musical stuffs, so how about that? If you don't know what that is, you suck. But go here anyway, because then you won't suck. A Very Potter Musical and A Very Potter Sequel. YAY!!! Ok so I'll just go on in this style. I'll write random crap that I get destracted with, is that ok? I really don't know...

I like bubble wrap. It's all 'pop-pop pop pop'... anyway... about this Very Potter stuff, it's really funny and I recomend it to everyone who know about Harry Potter. It's made by college students, comepletely non-profit, they did it just for the heck of it. I love it.

So uh... I could go on and on about it but I'd rather not get into it right now, just go watch it. This blog sucks now... if you read this, you have two options:

1. Go somewhere else. This place is boring.

2. Wait until I post something else because by then I'll have actually planned something good to write. Maybe I'll post stories or something... I don't know, I'll figure something out. And it'll be good.

For now, Toodles!