Wednesday, January 26, 2011

When I grow up...

I want to be a Human Pet.

I've done some research and found that I'm not the only one out there with  this wish. A Human Pet has a strange relationship with their 'Master'. Sometimes the two will be married, or lovers, but not always. Often they are just friends, or roomates who share a common fasination. Some people might see this relationship and think of slavery, but it is really nothing like it. Pets will get a good home, food, health coverage, and someone who'll take care of them. Masters get a friend who'll be there for them when they come home at night, and often the Pet will even do the cooking and cleaning for them. But it's also a bit of a childish relationship to wish for, being that the Master will also take their Pet out on a leash when they go places, take care of the Pet in a similar way to a child, or sometimes a more degrading way like a dog. The Pet is never mistreated, but sometimes if the Master is feeling particularly dominant, they'll make the Pet use a literbox instead of a toilet, and eat out of a bowl like an animal.

I'd like to be a Human Pet for many reasons, not only do I think I'd enjoy it, but I'd also like to become more submissive. Having a Master whom I must obey, would help me do that.

I also however believe I could be a Master, on the other end of the equation. I'd rather be a Pet of course, but if I ever found someone willing to be my Pet, I would not turn them down. I'm writing a story about a Human Pet and his Master even. I'd rather not post it here, but here's a link to where you can read it if you like. My Master Loves Me As a warning, it is yaoi, which, if you don't know, means "boys' love" in Japanese. It pretty much means it's gay, and not in the sense of how teenage guys say "that's so gay". If you're brave enough to read it, you might also want to check out some of my other stories, which you'll find if you click the button that says "All" at the linked site.

As always, thanks for reading!
~Rain Finnegan.

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