Thursday, January 27, 2011

Quidditch, Sippy Cups, and Dreams

1. QUIDDITCH!!! At our homeschool group meeting this week, we'll be pllaying Quidditch! I can't wait. It's going to be more fun than crashing the Bloody Baron's Death Day party!

Ground Quidditch is just like magical quidditch, except that you don't use a broom, and the beaters just tag or tackle people instead of using bludgers. Oh, and the Snitch is a person in a yellow shirt.

I'm really excited because the losers will be deemed butt trumpets for the day, and the winners will probably get cookies or something.

2. I wish I had a sippy cup. I've been using this really old thermos instead though because it has a little sippy thing at the top, so it's the closest thing I have. I already have baby spoons that I use quite frequently, but now I want a baby bottle and a sippy cup.

3. Ok so I had this dream last night, and you know how sometimes your dream just changes and suddenly your at a new place? Well that happened and I was suddenly at the parking lot of Lambeau Feild with all my friends from the homeschool group. There was a huge group of people who had painted their skin and clothes bronze, and they were dancing and singing in a way that made me think of some sort of old romance movie, like Grease or something. And I don't even know the movie Grease so don't say anything about that. The first thing I thought of when I saw all these people dancing like this, was Granger Danger from AVPM. So my friends and I started singing it. And out of the corner of my eye I saw this guy with long brown hair, skinny jeans, and a pink shirt, and he was dancing and singing Granger Danger with us. So I stopped singing and so did he. We looked at each other for a second an then I just went up to him and asked him if I could hug him. He looked like he'd had that happen to him many times before and he answered really casually "Yeah." So I did. And then I woke up. I want to meet that guy in real life. And I will hug him. And I will ask him if he'll be in our Very Potter Musical (My friends and I are remaking it.) So anyway... That's what I've got for today.


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