Tuesday, January 25, 2011

We can agree sometimes!

Ok so a few days ago I posted a picture on deviantArt similar to the one that I'm using for my profile picture here. I've only gotten one comment on the picture so far, and it was made by a Christian who was trying to 'save me from sin'. I am bisexual, and am not Christian, so I automatically replied to the comment with this:

Sorry, but I'm not christian. I don't believe in 'god', so jesus is simply the son of a lady who wouldn't admit that she'd had sex. This is what I believe. I also believe that being bisexual is just something I am, it's just as much a part of me as the color of my hair, and I don't care if you think that it's wrong, in fact that's why I'm proud, because I know I'm not like you, and in my eyes, that's a good thing. Don't you have something better to do than riddicule people who're different from you? I accept you for who you are, a straight christian who dislikes people who aren't that as well, but yet you can't accept that I'm different from you. That's a shame. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go back to my life, so why don't you go back to yours as well?
So he argued that he didn't dislike me, and if he did he wouldn't have tried to save me.

I politely replied to say I didn't want to be saved, and he said that that's my choice, he'd done all he could, and that was what 'god' asked him to do. Inwardly at that, I laughed. I thought about it for a while, and thought about how the original Christians said that God had spoken to them and told them to spread the word of Christ and all that, and I thought, maybe they were just schizophrenic... It would make sense if they were, because it's a voice they hear, telling them to do things.

I've since wondered if maybe I am schizophrenic. I hear Liam in my head and I've wondered if maybe he's not really my conscience. He's never told me to do anything, good or bad, so I just considered him to be the voice in my head that most would think of as their consciece, but I really have no way of knowing whether or not that's true. For all I know, he could be a different kind of voice. SOmetimes he insults me, he calls me an idiot, a bad person, and he ofte swears like a sailor. This was my first clue to the possibility that he isn't really my conscience. I've asked him about it (yes, silly to talk to your own conscience, isn't it?) but he had nothing to say on the subject. For now, I live in a mystery, but I hope to figure it out soon.

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