Sunday, January 30, 2011

Awkward Turtles

Ok so here's the scoop.

I went to the mall today with a few of my gilfriends (that's girl-friends mind you. I'm still single.) and we went to a lot of clothing stores -they were looking for prom dresses, to which I said eww no thanks- but we also went to a few cool stores. After me waiting and begging for a while that we should go to Spencers, they finally agreed. For those who don't know, Spencers is the coolest store for punk jewlrey, random cool shirts that I know of. But it also had a lot of... ok let me just say it flat: Sex toys. I'm not kidding. There were dildo shaped everythings, blow up dolls, weird costume lingerie, EVERYTHING. And one of my friends gets really awkward whenever she's around that kind of thing, or people are talking about it, or pretty much anything sex related. And she has this phrase that she says every time that happens: Awkward Turtle. Now I have no idea why it's a turtle, what makes a turtle awkward, or even why she says it, but she does. I think it's kind of funny, and I thought for a bit about this as I went home from the mall later.

What does an awkward turtle look like? What makes him awkward? Does he have some sort of deformation that makes him awkward? Maybe he speaks a weird language that no one else knows, so whenever he wants to talk no one understands him and that makes him awkward. So I decided to draw an awkward turtle.

Here he is:

He's awkward for many reasons, here's a few:

His limbs aren't the same size.
One of his legs is a deformed human hand.
He has no tail.
He has to walk upright, and uses a cane.
He has bad vision, but only in one eye so he wears a monacle.
He has a beard.
He can't speak any language known to man, so no one understands him.
His name is Melvin, which in itself is weird. (No offense to anyone named Melvin. I actually like that name, but let me tell you, if you met a turtle named Melvin, it would be pretty awkward.)

Okies, so that's really it for today! Toodles!


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