Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Addictions... it's not what you think.

Ok so most people, when they think of addictions they think of drugs and  alcohol. But that's not what I think of. See, recently I've developed a few minor addictions:

Tic Tacs
Reading/writing yaoi
Celtic music
Scented hand sanitizers
and one that I'm slowly waning off of, Sunflower seeds

So these addictions may seem harmless, but what about finding a resource that I can get these things from? tic tacs are cheap, but I run out of them rather quickly, and my mother is getting a bit annoyed with having to buy them for me. Reading and writing yaoi is one of the more easy ones to maintain, I simply use deviantArt for reading, and Microsoft Word for writing. Celtic music might seem easy, I use pandora online radio, and my ipod. But I fear that soon I'll get tired of hearing the same songs over and over, what will I do then? Scented hand sanitizers I'm ok with for now. I got five little bottles of them for christmas (that's actually what started the addiction) and it's been over a month now and I'm not even close to finishing the first bottle. Sunflower seeds are a big one. I used to eat probably about one cup per day. That's a lot of seeds. I've slowly been cutting back, and now I'm to the point where I can go a whole day without even thinking about them, but theres always that craving... And they're just sitting there on my desk, it would be too easy to just take a mouthful and be spitting shells for the next hour.

The worst part is that I actually enjoy having these minor addictions, and I don't really want to get rid of them.

Ok new subject becauze I got distracted!

I will be going to the renaissance festival soon! Usually I make up some sort of character for myself and be that person for the day, and this time, I'm doing it a bit differently. This time, I'm going to be Liam! I'm quite excited about this because it's a chance for my friends to see what he's like. It'll be played out as if I have multiple personalities. One is me, strange, funny, kind, goofy, other adjectives. And the other will be Liam, pissy, weird, swears a lot (I'll have to filter that a bit), crazy, often sarcastically rude, Irish, awesome, grumpy, silly, more adjectives. So this is going to be a lot of fun! I can't wait!

On another note, THE SUPER BOWL IS IN 4 DAYS!!! I am SO excited because I'm a cheesehead! GO PACK GO!! I know we'll win because I've been manifesting it since the start of the football season. We will win the Super Bowl!!! For once, I'm going to sit through the entire game. I'll actually watch the whole thing. I've never done that before... I always get distracted, or bored, or WHOA WHAT WAS THAT!!! ... ok never mind... it was just my phone making a strange noise. Whelp, I've got to go and get back to school because that's what I should have been doing for the past half an hour.


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