Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Note~ If you do not know what starkidpotter, A Very Potter Musical, A Very Potter Sequel, Me and my Dick, or Starship is, then you will not understand this post. PLEASE leave this page right now and go to www.youtube.com/starkidpotter right now.


Ok so I know I'm a bit late on this one but it still works because SOME OF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN IT YET!! I am utterly disapointed in you so-called starkid fans! Starship is amazing. I'll give you reasons why:

Starship Rangers are amazing and you should join us by becoming one, because we're here to get the job done!


Joe Walker (Commander Up) has a fake mustache!

It'll make you love bugs!

New awesome songs to weird out your friends by singing them in public like, "Get back up", "Kick it up a notch" and "I wanna be (a Starship Ranger)"

New actors have joined starkid productions!

Lauren Lopez has a new fake accent and she actually plays a girl in this one!

Silly names like "Taz" "Tootsie Noodles" "Crayonder" and "Bug"

There are more reasons, but I'm too lazy to write them all...

In other news, Pigfarts will be having summer classes on a special subject this year! We'll be traveling to Earth's moon to learn to play Moon Golf! :D And we may even have some of our dear friends from Hogwarts to share these classes with. Remember to be nice to the Earthlings as it is their planet's moon we're visiting. Any quarrel you may have with the other students must be resolved civily by talking it out or with a duel to the death supervised by both Rumbleroar and Dumbledore.
