Monday, March 28, 2011

Hey There Humans!!!

Hi. I know I haven't made a post in a while. That's because a lot has been going on in my life, and because I'm a lazy procrastinator with bigger priorities than writing a blog post that my friends won't even read. Ok, time for a 13 list in no particular order.

1. I got a girlfriend! To keep her privacy, I'll refer to her as "Cho Chang" because she's supermegafoxyawesomehot just like Cho was in A Very Potter Musical. Cho is the most amazing girl in the world to me and I really hope she reads this. She's so awesome. She's silly and funny and really sweet.

2. I am now aquainted with Kimya Dawson's music and I love it! It's so random and fun! Also, her love songs remind me of Cho Chang. <3

3. I started reading Edgar Allan Poe and Stephen King! :D It's so creepy and chilling! I love it!

4. I realized how much I love Ice Skating, and I really want to take Cho skating sometime.


6. DrPepper is now being made with real sugar!!! HORRAH!!!! xD

7. Magic 8 balls can solve almost any problem. Unless they stubornly only give you the answers "Cannot fortell now" and "Answer unlclear, ask again later".

8. I went to St Augustine and did a ghost tour, and it was so awesome!!

9. I feel like I could do anything. I'm on top of the world! xD

10. Yoyos are great, but they get lonely. If you have a yoyo and you haven't used it in a while, please play with it. It misses you.

11. I'm learing to play bass! But Theo keeps forgetting that he needs to teach me...

12. I have too many stories to write...

13. I love you all for reading! I'll try to make this a higher priority.